How to Register for Student Disability Services

Student Disability Services is here to support you and help you navigate a successful academic career.

To register with the office of Student Disability Services and request accommodations, complete an intake form and provide documentation of your disability as well as a copy of your course schedule. Appropriate documentation of a disability may include a letter from a qualified professional or evidence of a prior diagnosis, accommodation, or classification, such as eligibility for a special education program. Notes written on a medical prescription pad will not be accepted.

Once an intake form and documentation is provided, you'll need to schedule a meeting with either the coordinator or assistant coordinator of Student Disability Services. During the meeting, SDS will review the provided documentation and determine if additional documentation is needed to accommodate you. If no additional documentation is needed, a Faculty Notification Letter will be drafted for each course in which the student is enrolled, detailing the accommodations decided for each course.

It is important to note that accommodations are unique to each course. For instance, while accommodating a student with a notetaker may be appropriate for a math course, the same accommodation may not be appropriate for a college skills course that teaches notetaking skills.

Your file is not considered complete until his or her accommodation letter has been approved by you and the instructor, acknowledging the accommodations. No accommodations can be provided until your letter is approved by both parties.

If an instructor does not agree with the accommodations in the Faculty Notification Letter, the instructor should contact the office of SDS to discuss the accommodations with the coordinator/assistant coordinator. Once an agreement is reached, a new Faculty Notification Letter will be drafted and emailed to the student for approval. 

Returning students should meet with the SDS office each semester and provide a copy of their schedule at least two weeks before the start of classes so accommodations can be arranged. If a student is requesting additional accommodations, they may be required to provide additional documentation to support their request.

SCC considers disability documentation confidential, and thus the information does not become part of a student’s academic transcript. All disability-related documentation, forms and other related information is housed in the SDS office. Disability documentation shall be released only in accordance with the law. Documentation is destroyed after seven years.

Student Disability Services recommends that every student keep a copy of their documentation. The SDS office will provide verification that a student is registered with SDS, and has provided appropriate documentation to receive reasonable academic accommodations; this verification is available to any support services provider or other office on campus such as AIM, academic advisors, TRIO-Student Support Services, or The Learning Center. The office of SDS will not make copies of a student’s original documentation for any party other than the student.